Home » Credit Cards vs. Debit Cards: Which Should You Use and When

Jitender Sharma

Jitender is your friendly finance guide. With over 17 years of experience, he's been working with credit cards since 2006. His expertise is in Credit Cards, Credit Scores, Savings Accounts, Loans and Debt Management. He shares his experiences through articles on Financebuddy and videos on his YouTube channel and helps thousands of users. Read More about him. And Follow him on Instagram , Facebook , and Youtube

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  • Well explained Jitender. The main problem is our education system does not tell us about Income, expenses, Credit and debt. Many youngsters get into the debt trap of credit cards due to the easy buy and pay later scheme. Because they don’t know about the income vs expenses or the DTI.

    • That is true, but parents can teach these things to their children as they already know the consequences. Simple finance, like the benefits of saving money, living on a budget, not buying unnecessary things to show off and compete with others, etc. These simple steps can help them to understand money management for a better future.

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